AISI 316L | 1.4404 | BS 316S11 | X2CrNiMol17-12-2 | Austenitic steel
Data sheet according to DIN EN 10088-3 for material number AISI 316L / 1.4404
The austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L is also known under the designations 1.4404, BS 316S11 and X2CrNiMol17-12-2. This V4A steel is characterised by excellent corrosion resistance (PREN value 23.1 to 28.5), which is comparatively better than that of the austenitic steels AISI 304/1.4301 and AISI 304L/1.4307 due to the addition of molybdenum AISI 304/1.4301 and AISI 304L/1.4307. For this reason, AISI 316L/1.4404 stainless steel is regularly used in the food industry. The material is resistant to intergranular corrosion up to a temperature of 300°C, even in continuous operation, but it is not resistant to salt and seawater. The stainless steel 1.4404 has a tensile strength of 500 to 700 N/mm², a hardness of ≤ 215 HB and a density of 8.0 kg/dm³ (at 20°C). It can be used at temperatures of up to 550°C and is also suitable for use at low temperatures. The material has very good weldability and good forging properties, but it only has medium mechanical properties and medium machinability. The stainless steel AISI 316L is non-magnetic and only very weakly magnetisable. Cold heading, cold forming and machining are among the possible forms of processing. The material is also suitable for polishing. This stainless steel grade is often used in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical and chemical industries, as well as in the beverage industry.
Specifications of the material
EN-grade 1.4404
EN-short name X2CrNiMol17-12-2
EN-standard 10088-3
Microstructure Austenite
Comparable standards and designations
AFNOR Z2CND17-12, Z3CND17-11-02 & Z3CND18-12-02
Alloy 316L
AMS 5653
BS 316S11
ČSN 17349
PN 00H17N13M2 & 00H17N14M2
RVS 316L
SAE 316L
SS 2348
UNE F.3533
UNS S31603
SAE 316L
SFS 750
Properties and chemical composition of stainless steel AISI 316L / 1.4404
C | Si | Mn | P | S | N | Cr | Cu | Mo | Ni | Ti |
≤ 0,03 | ≤ 1,00 | ≤ 2,00 | ≤ 0,045 | ≤ 0,03 | ≤ 0,10 | 16,5 - 18,5 | - | 2,00 - 2,50 | 10,0 - 13,0 | - |
Mass fraction in % according to DIN EN 10088-3
Abbreviations: C = carbon, Cr = chromium, Cu = copper, Mn = manganese, Mo = molybdenum, N = nitrogen, Ni = nickel, P = phosphorus, S = sulphur, Si = silicon, Ti = titanium
Physical properties
Magnetisability: low
Density (kg/dm³): 8.0
Thermal conductivity (at up to 20°C): 15
Electronic resistance at room temperature (in Ω mm²/m): 0.75
Specific heat capacity at 20°C in J/(kg K): 500
Mechanical properties
The values given refer to the diameter range ≤ 160 (Ø in mm) and 160 < d ≤ 250 (Ø in mm)*
Hardness in HB: ≤ 215
Yield strength Rp0.2 in Mpa: ≥ 200
Yield strength Rp1.0 in Mpa: ≥ 235
Strength / tensile strength Rm in Mpa: 500-700
Elongation at break A in % (longitudinal) at ≤ 160: ≥ 40
* These figures refer to mechanical properties at room temperature in the solution-annealed state (according to EN 10088-3)
Yield strengths at elevated temperature in the solution-annealed condition
Temp in °C | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 350 | 400 | 450 | 500 | 550 |
Rp1,0 in MPa | ≥ 200 | ≥ 180 | ≥ 165 | ≥ 153 | ≥ 145 | ≥ 139 | ≥ 135 | ≥ 130 | ≥ 128 | ≥ 127 |
Rp0,2 in MPa | ≥ 165 | ≥ 150 | ≥ 137 | ≥ 127 | ≥ 119 | ≥ 113 | ≥ 108 | ≥ 103 | ≥ 100 | ≥ 98 |
AISI 316L stainless steel (1.4404 / X2CrNiMo17-12-2) has excellent weldability. The material can be used with all common welding methods (with the exception of gas welding). The addition of a welding filler metal and subsequent heat treatment are not normally required. Resistance to intergranular corrosion is not affected by welding.
When forging, the stainless steel AISI 316L / 316S11 must first be heated slowly to a temperature of 1150°C to 1180°C. Forging can take place in the temperature range of 900°C to 1180°C. In order not to negatively influence the corrosion resistance, the forging material should be cooled quickly in air or in water. Corrosion resistance is also affected by scale and tarnish, which must be removed. Freehand forging and joint forging are possible.
Heat treatment and hot forming
Solution heat treatment (cooling by air or water): 1020-1120 °C
Hot forming (cooling by air): 1200-900 °C
AISI 316L stainless steel has medium machinability. In direct comparison, the machinability of this stainless steel grade is better than that of AISI 316/1.4401 due to its lower carbon content.
Corrosion resistance
AISI 316L stainless steel (1.4404 / X2CrNiMo17-12-2) has very good corrosion resistance (PREN value 23.1 to 28.5) in natural environmental media with a low and moderate concentration of chlorine and salt. In direct comparison, the corrosion resistance of this material is better than that of the austenitic steels AISI 314 / 1.4301 and AISI 304L / 1.4307. For this reason, AISI 316L (316S11) stainless steel is often used in the food industry. Due to its low carbon content, this material is resistant to intergranular corrosion up to a temperature of 300°C, which is also the case in continuous operation. Furthermore, the material is resistant to steam and various acids such as formic acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid in low concentrations. This steel is not resistant to salt and seawater, as there is a risk of pitting corrosion here.
Applications of stainless steel AISI 316L / 1.4404
AISI 316L (1.4404 / X2CrNiMo17-12-2) is an austenitic stainless steel that is valued for its excellent corrosion resistance and durability. It is therefore used in a range of industries, some of which we would like to introduce to you. Since stainless steel 1.4404 is not attacked by contact with food, it is regularly used in the food and beverage industry. This material is therefore also known as food-grade and is referred to as food-safe. In apparatus and tank construction, in the petrochemical industry (e.g. in offshore plants) and in chemical plants, this rust-free V4A steel is often used to make tanks, tank containers, pipelines and pressure vessels. Architectural elements such as railings (e.g. stair and balcony railings) and façade cladding, as well as protective barriers and bicycle racks, are made from this steel. In the automotive industry, stainless steel AISI 316L / 316S11 is used, for example, to make exhaust components such as welded elbows or screw-in silencers. This material is popular for decorative purposes and kitchen fittings because it can be polished and is easy to clean. In the aviation industry, it is used for structural components such as fasteners or cladding. In the pharmaceutical industry, plant components such as mixing vessels or filters are made from this material.
Stock of stainless steel wire
The data provided in this data sheet or material information sheet has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and is based on the current version of the relevant standard. We do not accept any liability for any errors.
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