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Your contact persons at AGST

On this page we introduce you to the team of AGST Draht & Biegetechnik. You can call up the contact persons of the respective area by clicking on the link below. If you would like to send us an email, please complete the email address with

Links to the areas


Verkauf Draht
Axel Schröder AGST

Axel Schröder

Tel. 02263 - 924017

@ aschroeder

  • employed at AGST since 2010

  • Languages: German, French, English

  • Sales representative in the field, customer support in the field of wire, bent wire parts and bending machines.

Nina Stracke AGST

Nina Stracke

Tel. 02263 - 924029

@ nstracke

  • from 2003 - 2012 and back at AGST since 2022

  • Languages: German, English

  • Processing wire sales

  • Customer care, acquisition.

Simone Martinez

Tel. 02263 - 924014

@ smartinez

  • employed at AGST since 2023

  • Languages: German, English, Spanish

  • Processing wire sales

  • Customer care, acquisition, quality management


Eva Herzhoff

Tel. 02263 - 924021
@ eherzhoff

  • employed at AGST since 2023

  • Languages: German, English

  • Processing of wire sales

  • Customer service, acquisition

Lajana Hölzer AGST

Lajana Hölzer

Tel. 02263 - 924018

@ lhoelzer

  • employed at AGST since 2021

  • Languages: German, English

  • General tasks in sales

  • Educator


Jakob Klug

Tel. 02263 - 9240-0

@ jklug

  • Employed as a trainee at AGST since 2023

  • languages: German, English

  • Apprenticeship as industrial clerk

  • general tasks in sales

Nadine Konrad AGST

Nadine Konrad

Tel. 02263 - 92400
@ nkonrad

  • employed at AGST since 2015

  • Languages: German, English

  • Currently on maternity leave



Ricarda Domokos

Tel. 02263 - 924028
@ rdomokos

  • employed at AGST since 2023

  • Languages: German, English, Italian, Romanian

  • Processing of wire purchasing and sales

  • Customer service, acquisition

Kim Steger AGST_edited_edited.jpg

Kim Steger

Tel. 02263 - 924036

@ ksteger

  • since 2022 employed as apprentice at AGST

  • Languages: German, English

  • Apprenticeship as industrial clerk

  • General tasks in sales

Nadine Kuhna AGST

Nadine Kuhna

Tel. 02263 - 92400

@ nkuhna

  • employed at AGST since 2010

  • Languages: German, English

  • Currently on maternity leave


Machines & Production

Jörn Kröger AGST

Jörn Kröger

Tel. 02263 - 924010

@ jkroeger

  • employed at AGST since 2005

  • Languages: German, English

  • Production of bent parts, sale of bending machines

  • security officer


Digitization and development

Marco Henschel AGST

Marco Henschel

Tel. 02263 - 924026

@ mhenschel

  • employed at AGST since 2021

  • Languages: German, English

  • Development and implementation of projects to optimise workflows and further develop ERP / digital processes


Stephanie Hölzer AGST

Stephanie Hölzer

Tel. 02263 - 924023

@ shoelzer

  • employed at AGST since 1997

  • Languages: German, English

  • general Administration

  • Building management, occupational safety

Claudia Hölzer AGST

Claudia Hölzer

Tel. 02263 - 924024

@ choelzer

  • employed at AGST since 2013

  • Languages: German, English

  • accounting

  • care of the clients

Birol Yilmaz AGST

Birol Yilmaz

Tel. 02263 - 924016

@ byilmaz

  • employed at AGST since 2000

  • Languages: German, Turkish, English

  • accounting

  • Data Protection Officer


Sven Sachs AGST

Sven Sachs

Tel. 02263 - 924015

@ ssachs

  • employed at AGST since 2018

  • Languages: German, English

  • media design

  • Supervision of the shops and websites of AGST

Warehouse & company craftsmen

Thomas André AGST

Thomas André

Tel. 02263 - 924020

@ tandre

  • employed at AGST since 2001

  • Languages: German, English

  • Warehouse management

Helmut Glunz AGST

Helmut Glunz

Tel. 02263 - 924020

@ hglunz

  • employed at AGST since 2018

  • company craftsman

  • Maintenance of the gardens, camp support


Johannes Jordan

Tel. 02263 - 9240-20

@ jjordan

  • since 2023 employed as trainee at AGST

  • languages: German, English

  • Apprenticeship as warehouse logistics specialist

  • General tasks in the warehouse

Günther Schwab AGST

Günther Schwab

Tel. 02263 - 924020

  • employed at AGST since 2019

  • ​company craftsman


Managing director

Michael Hölzer AGST

Michael Hölzer

Tel. 02263 - 924012

@ mhoelzer

  • employed at AGST since 1994

  • Languages: German, English

  • Managing Director of AGST Draht & Biegetechnik GmbH


Bernd Hölzer AGST

Bernd Hölzer

Tel. 02263 - 924013

@ bhoelzer

  • Founder of AGST Draht & Biegetechnik GmbH

Logo of the company AGST

AGST Draht & Biegetechnik GmbH

Overather Straße 118, D-51766 Engelskirchen

Tel. +49 (0) 22 63 / 92 40 - 0

Contact | AGST WIRE

  • Facebook AGST
  • Twitter AGST
  • LinkedIn AGST
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  • Instagram AGST
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